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The Impact of Drones on Stockpile Measurement Workflows | SmartDrone Blog

Written by Team SmartDrone | May 10, 2024 8:01:40 PM

In industries such as mining, construction, and aggregates, precise stockpile measurement is critical for efficient operations and accurate financial forecasting. Traditional methods of measuring stockpiles involving ground-based surveying are often labor-intensive, time-consuming, and expose surveyors or workers to hazardous site conditions. However, with the advent of drone technology, companies can now harness high-resolution aerial imagery and advanced photogrammetry to improve the accuracy and safety of their stockpile measurements.


Enhanced Accuracy and Efficiency

Using drones, companies can generate geo-referenced images of their worksites from the air, allowing them to create detailed 3D maps with measurements accurate to 1/10ft (3cm). This capability is not only faster than traditional survey methods but also significantly more accurate, enabling operators to make informed decisions based on reliable data.

The ease of conducting surveys with drones allows for more frequent measurements, which is particularly advantageous for dynamic worksites where stockpile volumes change regularly. This frequent, accurate data collection is crucial for maintaining up-to-date inventory records and ensuring that the financials reflect the actual quantity of materials on site.


Streamlining Site Operations

One of the primary benefits of using drones for stockpile measurement is the operational efficiency it brings to worksites. Drones can quickly survey large and difficult-to-navigate areas without the need for personnel to physically access potentially dangerous zones. This not only speeds up the workflow but also enhances safety by reducing the risk of accidents.

In the context of mine and quarry management, where knowing exact material quantities is essential, drone surveys provide a level of precision that aids in answering critical operational questions. Managers often need to know how much material is available, how much has been consumed, and how much needs to be ordered or processed further. Accurate drone surveys help provide answers to these questions with a high degree of confidence, reducing uncertainties and enabling better resource management.


Financial Implications and Supply Chain Management

Accurate stockpile measurement impacts several financial aspects of operations. With more reliable data, companies can prepare more accurate financial forecasts, reduce potential future write-offs, and better manage their supply chains. This precision helps maintain tight control over inventory levels, which is crucial for operational planning and budgeting.

For example, knowing the exact volume of materials on site helps in negotiating sales prices, planning for future procurement, and managing supply-demand dynamics more effectively. This accuracy also plays a pivotal role during audits, where verified stockpile volumes can substantiate reported figures, reducing the likelihood of costly write-offs.


Technological Advances

The ongoing advancements in drone technology, photogrammetry, and related software platforms continue to enhance the capabilities and benefits of drone-based stockpile measurement. Innovations and improvements in drone hardware are pushing the boundaries of what's possible, enabling even greater accuracies and efficiencies.

As drone technology evolves, it is likely to become an even more integral part of stockpile management workflows in various industries. The combination of increased safety, improved accuracy, and reduced costs is compelling for any business that relies on regular and reliable stockpile and inventory assessments.



The integration of drone technology into stockpile measurement practices represents a significant shift in how industries such as mining, construction, and aggregates manage their operations. The benefits extend beyond simple measurement tasks, influencing broader aspects like financial planning, safety, and operational efficiency. As businesses continue to seek ways to enhance productivity and reduce costs, drones are set to play a pivotal role in reshaping traditional workflows, making them smarter, safer, and more responsive to the needs of today's fast-paced market environments.

Looking for professional drone volumetric services?

Learn more about SmartDrone's comprehensive stockpile measurement and reporting services.